College- one simple, two syllable word that carries within itself an endless selection of different emotions. At every stage in life, college takes on a different meaning. When I was little I remember college as just a word my parents would say all the time. I would try and blurt it out every once in a while to sound smart. As I got
older, college was just something that was a bazillion years away in my distant future. Every year college morphed itself into an event that was heading towards me at the speed of light. It is now a fast approaching reality. Am I terrified? Heck Yes, But a particular experience helped change my fear to excitement. I'm Shocked how one little word in our english vocabulary could have such a profound effect on the outcome of our lives. It truly astounds me. Life can be scary and thinking about all the challenges, risks, and opportunities that come with college can be overwhelming. However, Walking (pretty much iceskating) all over BYU campus through freezing cold wind-surprisingly warmed my heart to the whole college thing. After a peek into the life of a nurse, watching cute couples be simply adorable, and seeing a glimpse of a day in the life of a college student, I found peace. More than just finding peace, I found a Renewed sense of hope.
I like the way you start your essay, I can really sense there is a style in your writing. Through your specific illustration of the meaning of college in your different life period, on can empathize your emotions. In addition, the visual elements facilitate this effect. Good job!