Friday, March 8, 2013

Modern Day Issues

"Suicide, With No Warning"

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Why do suicides happen? There are many different contributing factors involved in suicides. The main concern should not be with “what” weapon the suicide was committed, but for what reason. The article states, “Up to 50 percent of people who attempt suicide make the decision to do so within minutes to an hour before they act, “
They may have made the decision to take their lives minutes before, but are we naïve enough to believe that someone would wake up perfectly fine one morning and minutes later take their own life?  When I think of a suicide I don’t just think of a single time event? No, it makes me contemplate what could have been going on in the person’s life or head long before they attempted ending their life.
 I again want to emphasize the importance of solving the mystery of suicide and fix the underlying problem. Instead of trying to regulate guns and weapons for the purpose of stopping suicides, we as a nation need to discover solve societal problems and strive to figure out the underlying reason behind suicide and do everything we can to prevent this rising epidemic in our country. 

"Bill Clinton Urges Supreme Court to Overturn Gay Marriage Law He Signed"

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"It's Time To Overthrow DOMA"

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Clinton States, “I signed the Defense of Marriage Act. Although that was only 17 years ago, it was a very different time.”  Do true principles change over time? Does the sky remain constantly blue or does it depend on its surroundings to determine its color? Just like the sky is and always will be blue, the passing or vetoing of laws will not change the definition of marriage. We may try and re-write what marriage is but it will not change in God’s eyes.
 “On March 27, DOMA will come before the Supreme Court, and the justices must decide whether it is consistent with the principles of a nation that honors freedom, equality and justice above all, and is therefore constitutional.”
We are a nation that believes in equality, but we also need to stand for what is right. This is a key crossroad in America today that can determine our fate forever. What choice will we make? We need to respect and love everyone, but that does not mean that we should endorse wrong behavior. Times may change but right and truth will never change.


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